4 Tips To Help You When Decorating For An All-White Room
An all-white interior space is not just a fashionable décor trend. It has its advantages, especially in small spaces. An all-white space imparts lightness and airiness that will leave you feeling refreshed and peaceful. 4 Tips To Help You When Decorating For An All-White Room
Have you found a cheap house for rent in Ampang, but are bored by the bare white walls? Have no fear, for this décor and design style is especially suitable for those who rent: if you can’t paint the white walls in your rental home, why not embrace it instead! Renters will surely find solace in the fact that the lack of colors in a space will allow the people to become the features that splash colorfully on a home’s palette.
Although crafting an all-white space sounds easy on paper, making it stunning isn’t as easy as just simply leaving it devoid of color. However, the problem with white is that it can tend to look cold and be impractical. So, read on for some tips and rules to consider when creating an all-white (or nearly all-white) space.
1. Focus on texture
An all-white room walks a fine line between beautiful and boring. This is due to all-white rooms lacking the visual stimulation you would get when you have a myriad of colors. All this ends up creating a void and gap in visual interest that will make your space look flat and that you will need to fill up with other décor ideas. One of the most critical things to keep in mind when decorating your space in an all-white palette is that you need to play around or incorporate different textures.
You can consider incorporating texture through your décor pieces. Mix in a variety of different textures, ranging from smooth to rough, to give your space some variation in depth. For example, cover up those smooth floors with a beautiful Persian rug or casually drape a few thick throw blankets over your standard sofa. Consider playing around with different textures in your furniture, like balancing out a Belgian linen sofa with white-wash textured armchairs to add variety and visual interest to your rooms.
2. Mind your surfaces
White surfaces are a magnet for stains. However, just because you have kids or because you’re a little bit clumsy, it doesn’t mean that you should avoid an all-white room. Although the idea of having your walls drawn on accidentally in crayons or having tough stains on your white marble countertops might sound harrowing, you can avoid it all if you take some pre-emptive action. All you have to do is invest a little bit more in materials that resist stains well or choose materials that are easily cleanable.
For example, you can get slip covers for your furniture, or get your upholstered pieces treated with stain guards. You should also consider the type and condition of the surfaces, and how to best clean them, before you bring them into your space (and before you get a chance to spill anything). Adhering to a regular cleaning schedule will help maintain the cleanliness of your white walls, baseboards and window trim and prevent them from getting dingy and dirty.
3. Consider more stuff
Once again, with an all-white color palette, you will lose the interest that bold hues tend to give to your space. Thus, you will need to compensate for this by adding interest in other ways. While texture, as we mentioned before, adds a more varied look to your space, it can only bring your space so far. To go further you will need to also add more, and this might be controversial to say, stuff. Though of course, we’re not talking about adding more stuff like a hoarder (which may lead to a more of a cluttered situation). Rather, we’re talking about the art and idea of layering.
When you’re working predominantly with only a handful of shades of white, your space can veer towards looking flat and lifeless. This is when you can adopt the concept of layering to create a lot more visual interest in your rooms. One of the saving graces of an all-white room is that the palette of whites can prevent things from looking messy and cluttered. So, consider taking advantage of this fact by introducing layers and layers of different textures, different tones of whites and different materials to create the perfect balance of interest in your all-white room.
4. Choose the right white
White isn’t just one color (perhaps you might even say white is the absence of color, and not really a color at all). Whatever the technicalities, there are many tones and shades of white that are available. The wrong choice of shade can veer the ambience of your space from its intended bright and airy effect towards something more cold, sterile and clinical. Just like any other paint color, you will thus need to really be picky when it comes to the exact shade of white you choose to put on your walls.
Getting the right mixture of whites for your space can be all about trial and error. However, sometimes you can skip all the expensive try-outs and just stick to a trusted list of paint colors that others have already had success with. This will help you to choose the right balance of different whites to bring into your space. Consider bringing in samples of both paint and fabric in order to test them out under the lighting conditions of your space, as the lighting can sometimes make the same shade look different under different light tones. Whatever the method you choose, remember that you can blend in both warm and cool hues of white to get the right balance.
Fuh putih plg susah nak jaga but tq for the tips
I need this kind of home. it looks superb.
Nanti nak try deco satu rumah all white.. bilik dah buat dah..
saya suka rumah skrg sbb smua putih.. off white.. mmg nampak luas..
Mmg tgh plan nak unah kaler white. Skrg dah cat perabut kaler white jugak heehe
Cantik jugak design warna putih camne, nampak tenang dan luas.
I’ve planned to deco my house with white colour but when we go out for shopping, i cannot resist buying coloured items. So now we have rainbow theme house 😛
Warna putih ni kena pandai main dengan dekorasi barangan dan frame gambar. Kadang kalau banyak sangat warna pun serabut jugak.
Sedapnya mata memamndang bila rumah nampak luas sebab kalaer putih tu main peranan untuk bagi nampak luas dan besar ruang tertentu walaupun sebenarnya tak besar mana pun ruang tu.. teringin gak nak perbaot dan dinding kaler putih semua.. hahaha.. jenuhlah nak menjaga
cntik sangat tema putih macam ni.Luas je nampak view. suka nyaaa..
White ni memang cantik cuma kena jaga betul2. Kalau all white ni akan menampakkan rumah ni serba luas. Boleh menatarias juga untuk mix and match dengan warna lain samada lukisan atau bunga untuk menaikkan seri.
White is simply can blend in with everything. So no worries of buying furnitures to think what color should blend well for ur off-white wall. Good tips though, but I’m loving my livht blue walls in my room!! Heee
Nice tips and decorations.. Hihihi
cantik gak .. tak terfikr sal sebelum ni nak try white color
Memang suka ruang yang berwarna puith, nampak lapang dan luas. Cuma susah benar nak jaga kebersihan. Terutama kalau ada anak kecil kan
putih memang cantik..nk jaga susah oo…mmg selalu fikir nak warna putih..tapi..huhu
Maznee anak lelaki 2 orang ni sedang membesar, memang tak sesuai lah pakai dinding warna putih. Teringin juga nak buat. Mungkin lepas mereka besar
huda memang peminat putih, jadi memang best nak deco rumah warna putih.nampak luas dan tenang
Thanks for the tips. Will try to decorate my home too to looks as good as your photos.
tips bagus utk orang yang nak beli property ni
Rumah sis sekarang dah tukar pada grey dari warna putih. Dah 10 tahun putih so nak bertukar angin pulak. Memang kena pandai bermain dengan perabut tapi nasib baik rumah kecik so perabut tak banyak
thank you for the tips…semuanya menarik dan boleh diiukuti…memang best kalau nak nampak rumah cantik, bersih dan luas….gunalah warna putih 🙂
putih sangat ni..mesti susah gila nak jaga..kalau ada anak aktif, lagilah haru biru..putih bertukar tompok tpompok hitam hehe
nice sharing,suka rumah putih tapi risau kotor huhuuu…
Thanks for these awesome tips. Right now my room is pink and peach. One day, I can adopt these decorating tips. Now I need money and time!
Choose the right white is very important. And white actually make the room look clean and wide. I also like white color.
Terima kasih atas tips2 ni sis. Bestnya kalau ada rumah sendiri kan. Nak hias macamana pun terserah. Saya memang suka minimalist dan warna putih.
I always love white room but also stuck with ideas on how to decorate the room too! Luckily your post help! Thanks for the nice sharing.
Kak take berapa suka color Putih to tgk keadaan yg sesuai utk deco color Putih, cantik pun cantik to kak suka tambak color lain agar rumahnpk meriah skt
Akak, perkongsian ni bagus. Cuma akak kena translate untuk nampak ia idea dari akak. Baru lah syok nak baca dan komen.
Memang nak sangat rumah kaler putih. Cantik dan luas mata memandang 🙂
Used to love all white furniture until i have kids…penat nak maintained all white furniture ni..
Then i decided to change my theme to colorful one
Suka tgk rumah deko kaler putih, tapi tak berani ;lagi risau cepat kotor hehe